For Inspection & NDT:
Supports 16- and 12-bit images e.g. TIFF, DICOM / DICONDE
PACS interface, Presentation State (PR) handling and import function (DICONDEnize, Upload, Modality)
DICONDE study manager (search, filter, sort) and meta data display
Various Statistic Tools: SNR(N), CNR etc.
Greyvalue tools for ROI / lineprofiles
Size / Length Reference Calibration tools
Auto. IQI – Double Wire Evaluation
Auto. Pipe Wall Thickness Measurement
Auto. Pipe Diameter Calibration
Norm Validation support e.g. ISO 10675
Various export functions (e.g. .dcm / tiff / png / jpeg)
Advanced sentin NOVA filter for contrast and edge improvement
DICONDE compliant
Supports various standards & codes
For Displaying Images:
Stepless zoom, shift, rotate and flip
Various display options for brightness, contrast, invert, colormaps etc.
Various image filters (High- / Lowpass etc.)
Displaying several recordings in one display window (matrix view)
1:1 , 1:2, 2:1 Zoom Display
Data Sources:
DICONDE / PACS interfaces
Local File System
sentin Cloud- / Server
3rd Party remote data sources
RGB & Grayvalue images in formats like tiff, dcm, png, jpeg, jpg, bmp etc.
On-Demand and persistent projects to store evaluations in an AI ready data format including auto-save
Interface to AI Models & Workflows
Retrainable AI-Models and Deployment Tools
Dataset statistics and insights
Configurable Evaluation & Settings templates for seamless integration e.g. for ISO 5817
Configurable Toolbar
Configurable Display options (language, font size etc.)
Various annotation types Box, Polygon, Arrow, Line, Angle, Mask, image classes
Freely movable annotations to avoid overlays
Display options for annotations (e.g. transparency, fill, lines, colors)
User notes and comments
Optional AI Tools:*
Wall Thickness Measurement / Corrosion Detector [X-Ray]
Weld Defect Detector (in-field, manual welds) & Standard Validation [X-Ray]
Weld Defect Detector & Validator (inline, manufacturing) [X-Ray]
CT & X-Ray Image Quality Enhancement / Irradition time reduction
OCR / Text Recognition [X-Ray & RGB]
Inline Surface Inspection [X-Ray, RGB]
Aerial Drone Inspection [RGB]
Inspection Data Anonymization e.g. personal data [RGB]
and others
*Please note that AI Tools may require a setup for your usecase or data type
sentin EXPLORER already offers many different tools and interfaces to boost your inspections and non-destructive testing (NDT), but to enable you to optimize your processes in a customized manner, we offer various individual services. Whether you are just starting your digital processes or you already have partial solutions, we will pick you up where you are so that you can do your inspections more efficiently and future-proof.