In mid-January I was a guest speaker at startup:NIGHTS in Essen and gave a talk on my research topic. The title of the lecture – “Blockchain – the myth, the reality, the future” – already indicated that both history and current developments should be dealt with here. I have summarized the topics presented in the coworking cafe KaBü for the Ruhr:HUB blog.
Here is a short excerpt:
“A blockchain is seen by many critics as a hammer with which one tries to fasten a screw. It works somehow, but actually there are much faster and better methods. You can also see a block chain as a screwdriver, which is slower than e.g. a cordless screwdriver, but for some applications it has its right to exist.” – Maximilian Topp 01/19
If you want to read the whole article, you can find it here:
Blockchain – the myth, the reality, the future
How can an examination be performed digitally?
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